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A member registered Aug 11, 2021

Recent community posts

cant play

will pregnancy be added?

how do i transfer saves from .11 to .16?

No problem, and thanks for the reply!

any planned fetishes?

what fetishes are in this at this time?

can you list the fetishes in game?

if it is added will it be added to the gameplay list?

Take your time, a game that has passion put into it is better than a game that is rushed

damn. is there a way to report abandoned games

when is it gonna be updated?

originally came for the content...  however, the end of the story, that roped me in more. Well done, well done indeed.  However I do have a few qualms...  Didn't really some of like the... er... 'cameos'... or whatever. Feel like the main baddie was only good cameo, or the only one that fit the role.  and I cant believe its still in alpha with all this content...

Ah, gotcha. It does make sense, with how customizable the character is, that making the scenes would take a lot of time. no worries

what fetishes are in?

Unplayable; no start button

what fetishes are in/planned?

what fetishes are planned?

stuck at menu on chrome

is this game dead? also web breaks if you hit the large button the most upper right

alright, thanks

Google Chrome


how soon...  If its within a few weeks to a few months, I'll wait for that to drop before downloading the gam

I'm getting an error on chrome something about max call stack size and safari, and to report the problem to apple...  Despite being on chrome

How do I get security?

browser breaks after the night out, after the 2 options


is it a bit early to ask what fetishes are planned?


what fetishes will be in it

is pregnancy a future fetish for the game?

can you put all fetishes that are in game on this page?

Yeah, for the most part, but an option to save anytime would be good too.

ah nvm i found it. I'll copy and paste the instructions for those who couldnt find it either:

Extract the archive then copy and paste its content into {GameInstallationFolder}\LifePlay\Content\Heavy\StreetMap

So that {CityName}.uasset and {CityName}.uexp go inside StreetMap folder, and another (much heavier) pair of {CityName}.uasset and {CityName}.uexp go inside StreetMap\Static subfolder.

(For those curious: the first pair holds the map data, while the second pair holds the 3d shapes of the map itself)

I saw on patreon that a new beta version released on the 8th. I'm guessing it's gonna be exclusive to patreon for a while, anyways Idk how to install new maps, so if anyone knows how can you please help me? (I'm probably overlooking something obvious, or something)

Kinda wish there was a option to save before it went to menu

dead game?

everything? including impregnation/pregnancy?

web version are a bit broke. images don't load, white background...